Alexis Jones

Graduate Student Intern

Under the Supervision of Tia Jennings, LPC-S

You're ready to move forward but don't know how. Life has been unusually challenging for you lately as you have been trying to understand what is going on in your life. You can't remember the last time you were truly happy. You're not the person that you used to be, you're just moving through life but not thriving, you're not the exciting and socially active person you once were and you want that person back so bad. You long for the days when you felt purposeful and needed in society.

Things are getting worse, you're struggling to get out of bed each morning, you dread going to work and haven't spent time with family or friends in a very long time. Your life just feels disrupted ever since that day. It’s been months or even years and you feel like you should have been able to just move on, but you can’t. You’re finding yourself constantly triggered by what seems like the littlest of things. You just want to feel whole again.

Hi, I’m Alexis, and I want to assist you with feeling whole again.

Having come from a family that has experienced firsthand what mental issues are, I feel a bit more connected to my clients who are battling the similar issues based on the family structure they are a part of.  So often, mental health issues are are slept under the rug in or families and not taken seriously by society as a whole. I’ve dealt with that myself and want to be part of breaking generational avoidance regarding mental issue acceptance. 

I want my clients to feel just as comfortable and accepting of mental deficits just as they would physical deficits.  As I see it they are both deficiencies; just in different parts of the human body.  My hope is that I will be able to guide you through the things that have been ignored within your family, normalize your experiences and provide you with a space to be able to start your healing journey.

I know that being in therapy takes courage, it’s a commitment to yourself, to your own personal growth so it’s important to find a therapist that you feel comfortable with.

One thing about me is that I love my clients. I love the commitment that they make to themselves, their desire to be better than they were before. I love their willingness to work and be present, to trust me with guiding them to a new space in their life.

I have always had the desire to understand human thoughts, feelings and behavior. I am driven to answer not just why people act in certain ways but also how they can improve their situations and mental well-being. I aspire to continue to develop as a therapist who is skilled in helping people overcome life challenges and live happier lives.

If you’re ready to show up for yourself, receive the support that you have struggled to have and move past the unhealthy habits that have had you just surviving and not living, click the button below to book a consultation.