Accepting Clients in Washington state June 2024


Accepting Clients in Washington state June 2024 〰️

I’m Tia, manager of anxiety, believer in change and your guide to a more polished version of you.

African American woman in a black short sleeve top, with long twist, sitting in front of a window.

Tia Jennings, MS, LPC-S

This is normally the section where I tell you all about me. Where I would list all of my degrees, certification and things that make me look super fancy. But I’m not going to do that. Therapy is hard. Therapy requires that you find a connection with a therapist that sees you for you and is able to guide you in a way that is fitting for you.

See, all the letters behind my name, the schools I went to and the trainings I have under my belt isn’t going to tell you how we’ll laugh together even in those tough moments. It’s not going to tell you how I’ve walked in those same ugly shoes that you find yourself standing in now. It’s not going to tell you about how I’m going to sit with you through the telling of some of your most intimate secrets and not judge who you are. It’s not going to tell you of the changes that you are going to see just by having someone outside of your friends or family to talk to.

All that paper tells you is that the state said it was ok for me to work with you.

You are capable of more

Laptop on lap desk sitting on boho style bed

Going to therapy does not make you weak. Going to therapy is a sign that you want to reach your full potential. With the proper guidance you can get through your anxious mind in peace and reach a place that you only dreamed of in the past.

How you’re feeling right now is not your forever if you make the choice now to expand on what you think you are capable of doing.

woman in distress with hands over face

Your anxiety does not have to win

Anxiety and those stupid things that she tells you is a liar. All those thoughts of feeling out of control, not being able to stop overthinking, missing out on the things that you want to enjoy, STOP now.

But the thing is, you have to trust that you are so much more powerful than your situation has made you feel. All those derailed trains can be put back on a straight path.

This is where I come in…

I’m not a believer in a one size fits all model. I have a lot of book knowledge from years in school, but I also have a lot of real life experiences that tell me that all that book stuff doesn’t apply to everyone.

I went to school and I’m fully licensed, you can verify that with the state of Texas. But the experience that I like to highlight is not pieces of paper on my wall, but the 10 plus years that I have been in the trenches. Not just in the trenches with clients but being able to climb out of my own trenches of anxiety.

I don’t work with those with anxiety from a book, but from real lived experiences. When you talk about the random thoughts spinning a million miles per hour in you head, I’ve been there. When you talk about the cleaning frenzy you go on just to have some sense of control in your life, I’ve been there.

I’ve been in most places that my clients have been. You will frequently catch me nodding my head in understanding as you talk about your life and it’s like you’re playing a scene from my own.

The difference between me and you, however, is the fact that I’m on the other side of the storm and you’re still in the midst of it. But I have a little secret for you…I know how to get to the otherside of that storm.

When you work with me you get a connection to a real person that will have a conversation with you not just listen to you talk. I like to let you know how real of a person I am and normalize the things that you are going through.

I’m not going to judge you for the chapter that you are on in the book that we call your life. Are you ready?

Accepting Clients in Washington state June 2024


Accepting Clients in Washington state June 2024 〰️

Only accepting new clients in Texas for teaching session!

Live Now Counseling takes pride in being able to assist in the development of the next generation of therapist, with that in mind we are always looking for clients that are willing to work with two therapist at the same time in order to assist aspiring therapist with being able to get their feet wet. You will be pair with Tia Jennings, LPC-S and a student intern in each of your therapy sessions. Sessions will flow naturally and will NOT be stopped in order to assist the intern in navigating the session or understanding what the lead therapist is doing. The session will be recorded in order for the intern to be able to review and make improvements to their techniques.

If you would like more information, schedule a “New Teaching Client Consultation” with Tia Jennings by clicking on the link below.